6. Command line functionsΒΆ

The following programs are included to accomplish specific tasks that might be useful in scripted workflows.

Usage: mcam_list [OPTIONS]

  --quiet                         If set, hides progress information.
  --calibration / --no-calibration
                                  If true, the calibration information of the
                                  system will be displayed
  --version                       Show the version and exit.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

  Version 0.19.202
/etc/timezone is deprecated on Debian, and no longer reliable. Ignoring.
usage: mcam_stitch [-h] [--custom_alignment] [--output_shape OUTPUT_SHAPE]
                   [--save_directory SAVE_DIRECTORY]
                   [--blender {enblend,nona}] [--dry-run] [--stack]
                   filename [filename ...]

Stitch images within current directory.

positional arguments:
  filename              Filenames of the image(s) to stitch.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --custom_alignment    Attempt to align images based on found features within
  --output_shape OUTPUT_SHAPE, --output-shape OUTPUT_SHAPE
                        Create a stitched image with the given resolution. Use
                        format HEIGHTxWIDTH in pixels. If not specified the
                        shape is the rectangle that circumscribes the full
                        resolution composite.
  --save_directory SAVE_DIRECTORY, --save-directory SAVE_DIRECTORY
                        Directory where the stitched tiff file and the pto
                        file will be created.
  --blender {enblend,nona}
                        The blender used during stitching. Use enblend for
                        high quality stitching, and nona for quick stitching
  --dry-run             Print the names of the files to be stitched and exit
                        without stitching.
  --stack               Marks the given files to be stitched by the stack
  --save_template       Saves the template file (a .pto) alongside the
                        stitched dataset.

Version 0.19.202